[Salon] Why is Macron calling for greater autonomy of the EU?


April 15, 2023

Why is Macron calling for greater autonomy of the EU?

I have already reported on the downright hysterical reactions in Germany to Macron's interviews and pointed out that it is very strange for allegedly sovereign states and politicians when they get into a rage in the demand to reduce dependence on another state.

I don't want to repeat that here, but here I have translated the article of an analyst from the Russian news agency TASS about Macron's statements and the reactions.

Start of the translation:

Macron "has lost his mind": Who condemned the French president's demand for EU autonomy vis-à-vis the USA?

French President Emmanuel Macron has once again raised the question of reducing the EU's dependence on the USA and declared that he does not want to interfere in the conflict over Taiwan, which worries the partners and causes outrage among American politicians. The TASS reports on why the French head of government continues to drive the narrative of an autonomous EU and strive for closer contacts with Beijing

The traditional narrative

The statements of French President Emmanuel Macron that Europe should reduce its dependence on the USA and not get involved in a conflict between Washington and Beijing over Taiwan have triggered an intense debate in the media and among politicians. In his opinion, the EU has become increasingly dependent on the USA in recent years and should primarily pursue its own interests instead of "adapting to the agenda in other parts of the world."

"Are we Europeans interested in speeding up the solution of the Taiwan question? No. The worst thing would be to think that we Europeans should play the role of wingman in this matter and adapt to the American pace or the Chinese overreaction," he said.

In his opinion, Europe should not engage in the logic of block confrontation, but strengthen its strategic autonomy and not make itself dependent on the extraterritoriality of the dollar.

This statement was later also joined by the French Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Bruno Le Maire. He pointed out that his country and Europe chose the path of dialogue on the Taiwan question and wanted to oppose China not only because of their alliance with the USA.

"The president is absolutely right when he speaks of European sovereignty. We are allies of the USA, we share the same values, including different interests, including economic interests. But that doesn't mean that if we are allies, we have to be against China. And we don't want to be involved in a rivalry between China and the USA, we want to build European independence," he said.

For Macron, this idea is not new. At the end of last year, he spoke of Europe having to reduce its dependence on the USA and develop its own defense capacities in order to secure peace in the region shaken by the Ukraine conflict. A strong Europe, he said, would be able to "operate within NATO and with NATO, but at the same time not be dependent on NATO."

France is the most prominent representative of the EU, which is committed to a multipolar world and the establishment of the EU as one of the most important poles in this world, emphasizes Pavel Timofeyev, head of the Department of Regional Problems and Conflicts of the Department of Political Studies for European Studies at the Institute for World Economy and International Relations in Moscow.

"That's why Macron constantly speaks of the strategic autonomy of the EU, of the need to be less dependent on the USA so that the EU can pursue its own interests, which do not always coincide with those of the USA. This somewhat selfish narrative has a tradition in France, Macron already presented it at the beginning of his first term of office," the expert told TASS.

The reactions in Europe

Although statements on independence from the USA can be heard mainly from France, according to Charles Michel, the chairman of the European Council, this position is supported by the heads of government of a number of EU countries. According to him, some European heads of government would not say what Macron said, but they think in the same direction.

He noted that there could be "Nuances and sensitivities" in relations with the USA, but the EU follows the USA "not blindly" on all issues.

At the same time, the statement of the French president found no obvious support in Europe. He was criticized above all by the German Finance Minister Christian Lindner, who described the USA and the EU as valuable partners. "And I am convinced that security on European soil requires a firm commitment of the USA within the framework of NATO and beyond," said the minister.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius stated that the EU had never run the risk of becoming a vassal of the USA and described Macron's statements as unfortunate.

Many German politicians criticized the French head of state. Norbert Röttgen, foreign policy expert of the CDU/CSU in the Bundestag, claimed that the French head of state had "lost his mind". He justified his indignation with the fact that it was the USA that largely supported Ukraine and thus "protect Europe". He described Macron's statements as "naive and dangerous rhetoric" that weakens and divides Europe.

According to Metin Hakverdi, an expert of the German parliamentary group of the SPD, Europe and the USA should always try to form a common front instead of acting inconsistently with regard to China.

Manfred Weber, the group leader of the European People's Party in the European Parliament, warned that if politicians on the one hand demanded sovereignty for Europe, "and then make every deal with China that they can get", the credibility of the European countries is no longer given.

Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss also did not welcome Macron's idea. She is of the opinion that the French president is wrong when he claims that Taiwan is not of direct interest to Europe. She called on Western heads of government to be "much more skeptical about what China says and promises." In her opinion, the visit of Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the EU Commission, and Macron to China was already a mistake.

The ideas of the French head of state were not supported in Eastern Europe either. "Instead of building strategic autonomy from the USA, I propose a strategic partnership with the USA," Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is quoted by Politico. In his opinion, the promotion of the concept of autonomy for Europe could lead to greater dependence on China.

Kristi Reik, director of the Estonian Institute for Foreign Policy at the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), explained that the concerns of Central and Eastern European countries were partly due to the fact that Macron did not explain who he believed will take the place of Washington in Europe, especially in connection with the Ukraine crisis. She pointed out that European security and defense is currently very dependent on the USA against the background of the situation in Ukraine. If Macron's goal is an EU that is able to stand up for itself, the president must, in her opinion, show that France itself is ready to do much more "to protect Europe from Russia."

The reactions in the USA

The US president's administration has reacted rather cautiously to Macron's statements. According to John Kirby, the coordinator for strategic communications in the White House National Security Council, Washington does not question the "excellent" relations between the USA and France. He decided to "give the Elysee Palace the opportunity to comment on the president's statements."

The Republicans, on the other hand, reacted more emotionally to Macron's statements. Senator Marco Rubio believed that the US could stop supporting Europe in the Ukraine conflict and focus on solving the Taiwan issue. "If Macron speaks for the whole of Europe and has to decide on a side between the USA and China on the Taiwan question, we should perhaps also choose one side," Rubio said.

Republican Senator Todd Young, member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, for his part, called on France to recognize the threat posed by China. "The Chinese Communist Party is the most serious challenge for Western society, our economic security and our way of life..." Politico quoted him.

The chairman of the China Committee of the House of Representatives, Mike Gallagher, told Fox News that Macron's statements were "oddly, shameful" and "geopolitically very naive."

As Politico notes, the statements of the French president could in the long term play into the hands of the Republicans who want to end the high spending of the Biden administration on supporting Ukraine against Russia.

Is China more important than the USA?

Macron travelled accompanied by a large delegation of businessmen to his meeting with the Chinese head of state. The result of his visit was the signing of several economic agreements in the fields of transport, energy and agriculture. Among other things, they agreed to create fair competitive conditions for all companies.

China is of some interest to France as an independent partner and as an important trading partner, says Pavel Timofeyev.

Macron does not deny that the EU has common economic interests in China, so he is trying to get away from the principle of being involved in an alliance with the USA against China on the Taiwan issue, Jury Rubinsky, head of the Center for French Studies at the Institute for World Economy and International Relations, told TASS.

"Of course, France complains about the way the Chinese behave in economic matters, but in his opinion it is unacceptable for the EU to undermine these relations, although its other partners have so far denied this," said the expert.

But France cannot sacrifice its relations with the USA in favor of China either, because for the French, the USA is a traditional ally with liberal democratic values, an important trading partner and a very close security partner, says Pavel Timofeyev.

In addition to the expansion of trade and economic relations, France also has a political interest in China.

"If necessary, France will rely on the USA. On the other hand, if France feels too dependent on the USA, it will rely on China to show its independence. France needs China as a kind of counterweight," the expert explained.

End of translation

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